Kingdom Harvesting - Combine Harvesting with Jesus

12 September 2021 | by Malcolm Isles | John 4:1-42

Kingdom Identity and Influence

19 September 2021 | by Malcolm Isles | John 8:12

Cultivating a Listening Heart

26 September 2021 | by Malcolm Isles | Matthew 13:1-23

Everyone Needs Compassion

3 October 2021 | by Don McMillan | Luke 10:25-37

The Parable of the Loving Father

10 October 2021 | by Noel Camm | Luke 15:1-24

A Parable of God’s Outrageous Grace

17 October 2021 | by Malcolm Isles | Matthew 19:25-20:16

Parable of the Talents

7 November 2021 | by Jenny Lam | Matthew 25:14-30

Being ready for Jesus’ return

14 November 2021 | by Noel Camm | Matthew 24:1-25:13

What it Means to Follow Jesus

21 November 2021 | by Malcolm Isles | Luke 14:15-33

How to Receive & Exercise Kingdom Authority

28 November 2021 | by Malcolm Isles | Matthew 7:28-8:4

The Pursuit and Possession of the Kingdom

5 December 2021 | by Noel Camm | Matthew 13:45-46