Mobilised for Mission

29 January 2023 | Malcolm Isles | 1 Peter 4:10-11

Growing in your God given Gifts

5 February 2023 | by Malcolm Isles

The Gift of Prophecy

12 February 2023 | by Lisa Linn | Romans 12:6-8

The Gifts of of Service & Mercy

19 February 2023 | by Jeremy Clutterbuck | Romans 12:6-8

The Gifts of Encouragement & Teaching

26 February 2023 | by Thimo Lam | Romans 12:6-8

The Gift of Giving

5 March 2023 | by Malcolm Isles | Romans 12:6-8

The Gift of Leadership

12 March 2023 | by Malcolm Isles | Romans 12:6-8